Staglane Location: 82 Stag Lane, Edgware, HA8 5LP
Telephone: 0300 033 7863
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Sheldon Location: 19 Chichele Road, London, NW2 3AH | Telephone: 0300 033 7864
The pandemic is not over. GP practices worked hard to support patients throughout lockdown and remain open as they continue to deliver the largest vaccination programme in the history of the NHS. We know these are challenging times for everyone. As restrictions ease – please be kind as practices work differently to protect patients and staff and help stop the spread of Covid-19.
How are Practices Working now?
All appointments are being triaged. This helps keep you safe and makes sure the people with the greatest need are seen first. We will see everyone in person who needs to be seen that way.
Why do receptionists ask personal questions?
GP reception staff are a vital part of the health care team and ask questions to direct you to the best support. They are skilled in assisting with triage and treat all information confidentially.
What is triage?
You will be assessed to decide who needs:
I wanted to see my GP, so why am I seeing someone else?
Many GP practices now include a range of professionals (e.g. advanced nurse practitioners) who can diagnose and treat health conditions. This ensures that you see the right person at the right time more quickly.
Where else can I get help?
Visit for advice on common symptoms and a list of local services or speak to your community pharmacist first for advice on minor illnesses. Find your nearest:
What about emergencies?
Always dial 999 in a life-threatening emergency. If you need help with minor injuries at any time or urgent care when your GP practice or community pharmacy is closed visit or dial 111 if you do not have internet access.